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Total commitment to whatever you do
Awareness of yourself and the world
Excellence, the truest goal in anything you do

Body as a force for total change

Obedience to your will and your true desire for change

First of all, Tae Bo is a total body fitness system that incorporates martial arts techniques such as kicks and punches, which became quite popular in the 1990s. 

I'd like to talk about this sport, because it's not a common one.

Created by a man, Tae Bo is however a popular discipline among women.
I interviewed Cilga, a young Turkish woman, who has been practicing this sport for 5 months . Now she is student in Bucarest so, she is playing sport (Aerobic) with her school (and it's free!).

She really loves to do sport, team sport and individual sport. But she prefers team sport because it brings her more motivation. It's not a coherent choice as Tae Bo is an individual sport.Tae Bo is ideal for those wishing to lose weight and refine the silhouette. It will also improve theur self-control, breathing and boosts their morale and confidence. This is the reason why Cilga likes to do this sport. She thinks that it's really important to take care of our body and health. 

Watch this video if you want to know what Tae Bo is.


"One day, I was riding bycle in a parc. It was a bit crowded, and some people was trying to fly their kite and when they done to fly the kite, I was passing with my bike around them... and the kite suddenly crush on my face. It really hurts me and was painful. Sport is sometime painfull but it deserve to had the pain. I don't really use to ride bike since that, but there are so many others sports to do !"

Billy Blanks Tae Bo Advanced YouTube Exclusive
